The Most Popular Types of Toys That Encourage Pretend Play

Pretend play can have a major influence on the development of your children. The main reason why you should encourage your children to engage in pretend play with their friends is the aspect of learning. Yes, as they act out different roles kids can learn more about the world around them. One pretend game that kids love to play includes taking on the roles that adults have in society, whether that be pretending to be musicians, teachers, firefighters, doctors, and the list continues. This is a great way for your little ones to discover what they want to do when they grow up. What's more, participating in pretend play with their siblings and friends can help them develop their social skills, which is an important aspect of the development of every child. This also allows them to use their imagination to think creatively and invent new games. Another great thing about imaginative play is it's ability to encourage kids to find smart solutions for different issues which is the first step to building great problem solving skills.

Before you introduce your kids to the magical world of pretend play there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, avoid introducing your kids with many different game ideas at once. It's best to keep it simple and show them one or two pretend actions that you think they will like. Also, while it might be tempting to buy a number of different pretend toys due to the great offer on the market these days, the best thing would be to select a few that will capture the attention of your kids and they can enjoy playing with them. Here are some of the most popular types of toys that encourage pretend play.

Wooden Playsets

One of the best examples of creative pretend play toys have to be wooden playsets which are available in many different style and colours, so you can surely find a great one for your kids. For instance, a childrens wooden fire station features many fun accessories that your little one will love to play with and invent games. A fire pole, cute toy furniture and little figurines are the main items you will find in a modern childrens wooden fire station that can spark the imagination of your children and encourage them to engage in fun and creative games. Police stations and hospital setups are some other popular pretend playsets.

Play Food and Dishes 

Preparing food and having dinner parties with friends is a favourite game among girls and boys alike. Therefore play food and dishes are great toy gifts that can inspire your children to take on the roles of chefs or hosts and play fun games with their siblings and friends. From fruits and veggies to eggs and meat, the choice of food toys is more varied than ever before. What's more play dishes come in a range of gorgeous patterns and colours.

Costumes for Role Play 

Considering the fact that kids love to play dress up and try on different costumes, it's no surprise role play costumes are some of the best for imaginative play. Colourful princess dresses, for instance, can be a great gift for girls, while superheroes costumes are favourite among boys.
