Low Growing Grass - Convenience and Aesthetics at Its Finest

If you are a person who hates to spend your weekends with a noisy lawn mower but doesn't want to give up on your green lawn that your kids and dog love so much, a low growing grass is what you need. Green and lush as a regular grass, this grass grows naturally slow, meaning it has to be mow only a few times a year. Minimal watering and fertilizing are other benefits you enjoy with this grass.

There are various types of low growing grass and the best one of your outdoor space will depend on a few factors including shade-tolerance, resistance to wear, and required maintenance. Here are the most common low growing grass types and their maintenance requirements.

Zoysia Matrella Grass

This grass variety has very slow growth patterns, which means it requires very low maintenance. Types of Zoysia grass can grow up to half as slow as Kikuyu's and couches, resulting in significantly less mowing. This grass also requires minimal water, has low nitrogen requirements and has great tolerance to shade.

Soft-Leaf Buffalo Grass

This is another low maintenance turf variety. It requires low mowing as well as less nitrogen. Premium types of Soft-Leaf Buffalo grasses will have great colour, soft leaf, and extremely high tolerance to shade. All these characteristics make this grass a great choice for many modern landscaping situations.

Dwarf Mondo Grass

This grass needs no mowing at all and is both heat and drought resistant. It does best in cooler temperatures and is ideal for borders, garden paths, and between stepping stones or pavers.

Korean Velvet Grass 

Consider an ornamental grass, the Korean Velvet grass has a very slow growth rate. It also requires less water, fertilizer, and thatch. It is recommended for slopes, verges, and courtyards and will need to be mowed once or twice a year.

Fescues or Bentgrass Blends

Another slow growing grass that does well in poor soil and tolerates shade. It is a great option for lawns and meadows and its mowing need is once in a month.

Buying Your Low Grow Grass Seed

When shopping for seed, you will have the option to buy a pre-mixed blend or create your own. Focus on named fescue cultivars as superior strains tend to have better colour, are more robust and disease resistant as well.

Converting Your Lawn

The best time to do that is in the midsummer. Make sure you water the law several times to make the grass vulnerable and encourage new growth. Then use a lawn mower with the blade set very low to scalp the grass down to the soil surface – this will improve the strength of the grass. For the first three weeks, water lightly in the morning and midafternoon.


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