Care Instructions About the Gorgeous Orange Jasmine Plant

If you are looking for a beautiful plant for your home, the Orange Jasmine plant may be for you. In addition to smelling fabulous, this plant blooms vibrant flowers in its growing season and is quite easy to look after.

When it comes to its appearance, the Orange Jasmine plant is a compact evergreen shrub with oval, deep green, shiny leaves that can grow up to 70mm long, extending from gnarled, interesting branches. When mature, this plant can reach 2.50 m to 3.5 m feet tall and wide, creating a round, large shrub. Small, fragrant flowers can be seen in spring, and they are very fragrant (smell like orange blossoms). The flowers are followed by bright reddish-orange berries in summer, which is prized by birds.

In order to thrive, Orange Jasmine plants require protection from hot, direct sunlight. Ideally, the plant should receive morning sunlight and afternoon shade, but it can also do well in broken sunlight or dappled shade all day. The soil should be well-drained as well as free of nematodes. As a general rule, water once per week or whenever the top 5 centimeters feels dry to the touch. If you leave in a hot climate or if your plant is in a container, more frequent irrigation may be necessary.

Make sure that the plant never stands in muddy soil or water – a well-drained soil is vital as this plant doesn't do well in waterlogged soil. In case your soil lacks drainage, improve its condition by adding organic material such as chopped bark, compost, or leaf mulch.

Throughout the growing season, feed the Orange Jasmine plant once every three to four weeks. For that use a fertilizer made for evergreen plants. If the plant is in a container, you can use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer.

Because the plant grows very quickly while young, it may require several prunings to keep its shape. Prune will also be necessary to manage branches that are damaged, diseased or dead. But avoid heavy pruning and don't remove more than one-eighth of the shrub's total growth per year. 

Know that Orange Jasmine is just one of the lots of varieties of Jasmine that can make great houseplants. Another popular option is the J. Polyanthum, which is a fragrant vining species that gives pink blossoms. But there are many other Jasmines that are widely cultivated including J. Officinale and Primrose Jasmine. Take a look at all of them to decide which one you want for your home.
